Introduction NearFox

The NearFox platform is not just a website, is not just a website, it is a whole ecosystem that will be filled with different features both for ordinary holders, NFT creators, those who are interested in passive income, and mainly for young artists who want to enter the NFT sphere, create own project, understand how the NFT system works on Aurora, as well as help at every stage of our artist’s promotion.

Collection “NearFox” (*collection of 444 hand-drawn NFTs on Paras) —

Art and culture are part of our life and characterize the society in which we live, it is important to support them and those who work and are interested in this area. Today in fact many people are still facing the challenge of living with the incomes of artistic works.

Digitization, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, internet of things, augmented reality, blockchain, and other big developments — these all represent the fourth industrial revolution 4.0.

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