"AuroraFox" NFT collection

The "AuroraFox" NFT collection based on Aurora blockchain is limited to 777 "AuroraFox" and will have various benefits for holders.

*Each NearFox Holder (https://paras.id/collection/nearfox-by-ludanear) will receive an "AuroraFox" airdrop in proportion:

  • Holder "Special NearFox" - free mint 2 "AuroraFox"

  • Holder "Legendary NearFox" ("Custom NearFox") - free mint 1 "AuroraFox"

  • Holder "Rare NearFox" - WL with 70% discount on "AuroraFox"

  • Holder "Common NearFox" - WL with 25% discount on "AuroraFox"

Benefits for holders:

  1. Owners of "AuroraFox" will have a 100% opportunity to receive WL in the projects of our attracted new artists' collections.

  2. Free ticket to offline events around the world.

  3. NFT staking and passive income in $NFOX tokens

  4. Obtaining the role of test users for our development

  5. And more

Last updated